www.MLMLeadFormulaPro.com http 206-202-9064 Skype: billvannerus “Empowering 100 Families To Achieve Real Financial Freedom Now” Hi Folks, Bill Vannerus here. Two very important topics I’m discussing here today: – The current state of the network marketing industry – The current economic crisis For over 3 years I failed in MLM and Network Marketing, never making more than a few 0 per month. But, you don’t have to. Over the years I had jumped from company to company, opportunity to opportunity looking for the answers. I used all the old school techniques my sponsors and upline were teaching, as most in Netmarking are: – Warm market list (chasing friends and family) – Buying leads and cold calling (getting on the phone every night trying to talk people into joining my opportunity) – The 3ft rule (basically pitching my business to anyone with a pulse) – Holding and attending home and coffee house meetings – I put up classified and banner ads on the internet and even created a MySpace profile to try and get people to go to my company replicated website. Through all my efforts, I was never able to make more than a few hundred dollars a month using these worn out techniques, which ment I was barely breaking even. Over 90% of those in the network marketing industry today are either failing or barely breaking even, as I was. Now, that has all changed for me … I have had the good fortune to be mentored and trained by some of the Top Marketing Leaders on the Internet today. I
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www.frontpageguaranteed.com Online Lead Generation – Front Page Guaranteed CALL 800 581 8402 Marketing is on the cusp of a seismic change, and “NEW marketing” strategies like social networking and online lead generation are necessary if you are to prosper in the new world. These 6 factors are crucial when evaluating the many ways to generate leads online – monetary cost, time, quantity, time frame, leverage, and lost opportunity. 1. Monetary cost. How much money is it going to cost? There are many “free” online lead generation methods such as article marketing, social networking, press releases, blogging, online classified ads, forum posting, traffic exchanges, etc. Others such as pay-per-click and ezine ads can have a relatively high cost. For many businesses, this cost is the primary consideration, and in some cases the only consideration taken into account. As we’ll see, there are many other factors that need to be taken into account, not just the dollar amount. 2. Time. Time is money, and for most people, time is an extremely precious commodity. For some, the time cost of many free online lead generation strategies may be more costly than the monetary cost of a paid online lead strategy. For example, if you are a full-time employee with a good income building a business on the side, you may be better off using a pay-per-click advertising campaign that can be done in minutes a day versus a free article posting approach that takes an hour or more per day. Even among the
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