Do you need a funded proposal for your network marketing business?

Author: Robert David Fraser

I don’t know if you been around network marketing for a while or not but if you have or have not heard of a funded proposal, then this article is for you. At some point you will hear that you need to set up a funded proposal for your business in order for you to be successful. I’m writing this article out of my own experience with funded proposals and will provide my take on them.

What is a funded proposal and why would you possibly need one?

A funded proposal is basically a front end offer to a potential prospect that is generic in nature and is designed for you to profit and use those profits to further advertise and promote your primary business. Your primary business is not your funded proposal!

The concept is based on having multiple streams of income and the ability to profit off of prospects even when they say no to your primary opportunity. I can agree with the multiple streams of income but when prospects say no, that is usually it. If they reject your primary business offer and your “generic offer” than you are not making anything off of that prospect.

When I first started, I bought so many different e-books and affiliate products all claiming that you needed to have a funded proposal or in some cases it’s called a self liquidating offer. Which ever one you call it at the end of the day isn’t necessary. There is such a thing called information overload and that happens to a lot of people starting out in network marketing or the home based business arena.

At the end of the day, people will either join you or not. It’s not necessary to have a bunch of different products to offer everyone. Some people say that you need to be able to provide tools and solve problems. I say you can provide tools and solve problems without spending your money on affiliate products. Funded proposals, self liquidating offers, or whatever you want to call them are usually all based around an affiliate product.

In some cases a funded proposal can be your own product, but for the average person wanting to do a home business, that is way above their head and really not necessary. The only thing you need to do to succeed in network marketing is to simply S.T.P. which means “show the plan” to as many people as you can. You can do this on the internet or offline as well. You really don’t need anything else but your own determination, drive, and resilience to make your dreams a reality.

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