Construction as the country continued in-depth information, pin Printer Accelerate the secondary and tertiary markets to promote government and commercial applications. Market and users Purchase Behavior change, the vendor’s channel system is also bound to “to change the system changed.” Value-added services, flat channel structure and enhance pre-and after-sales service functions, enterprises are constantly adjusting channel content, and more competitive.

The importance of channels is obvious. Competition in the channel play an important role in the manufacturers naturally familiar with this, the introduction of a variety of preferential policies to attract good dealers to join their channel system, the channel war of the smoke is “thick.” How do manufacturers struggle between the channels do? I visited Shida peripherals relevant person in charge.

Channel of the “competition”: to be trained, “Drainage of foreign” Kung Fu

“Secondary and tertiary market, the increasing popularity of commercial information technology, as well as the continued construction of government information input to the Print Machine manufacturers to provide a great opportunity, but also the ability of the company made a major test of whether the application needs to provide for the printer product market, and covers all levels of city building, all the user’s channel sales Network Will be directly related to the business-to-grasp business opportunities related to business survival and development “, Shida peripherals says the person in charge.

The responsible person noted that “two, three market implication of the enormous opportunities the channel also is bound to lead the struggle intensified.

In fact, for manufacturers, more channels struggle embodied in the ‘channel outside’, and only practice on the excellent ‘drainage outside the’ Kung Fu, can really play the role of channels, otherwise, the channel became a ‘passive water, a forest without trees’. ”

“Drainage outside” Kung Fu 1: R & D, with the “need” and change

Clearly, companies should have trained hard “channels outside the” Kung Fu, bear the brunt of a strong product development capabilities?? With the “need” and changing customer demand, to provide the products our customers really need in order to win customers trust, to promote the channel sales. Shida peripheral to the official told the author, dot matrix printer market opportunities for more development of the market due to industry projects, and demand characteristics of these industries and general industry, significant differences exist, requiring printer manufacturers in product development and production full account of the process of product differentiation and close to the user application requirements and other issues. Introduced to meet the user needs only a “personalized” products, to fully display their true “Kung Fu” in order to win the market.

I learned in the interview, as “the preferred brand for 20 years of domestic stylus”, Shida peripheral always adhering to the applicable principles, to apply the drive technological progress, and continuously to superior performance, faster print speeds, more reliable print quality to meet the diverse needs of users. With ticket printer, for example, not only introduced the 110’s horizontal push ticket printer BP-690K +, BP-690KPro, there are 82 of the horizontal push ticket printer BP-650K, and these kinds of special paper in the adaptability and durability have unique performance. Recently to push the market of professional level tax-bill printer IP-690K, is taken into account the specific customer needs Fiscal printing introduced.

“Drainage outside” Kung Fu II: personalized service, allowing customers to maximize the value

Course, the only products that meet customer needs is not enough, strong service capabilities that other manufacturers have acquired a set of “channels outside the” Kung Fu. As we all know, with the marketing channels to 23, the corresponding service network must also be synchronized to follow up, a wide range of distribution area and complex application environments, IT vendors to put forward higher requirements, the availability of services to meet customer needs become an important consideration for manufacturers.

Services as the industry leader, Shida peripheral obviously know this perfectly well, not only to build a sales network of printers throughout the country, more for the nationwide service network. Shida peripherals implemented each year is called the largest domestic IT services, tour site service, not only to teach him to “fish”, but also to teach him to “fish”?? To customers free of charge repair, maintenance, support, training, etc. site service.

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