Making money online and staying at home enjoying life would sound great in anyone’s book. Well this is the case for many successful people who set out to make money online. There are also many people who wish to make money online, but have no idea how to go about it. Here I will talk about one method used that can produce a great online income for you. It’s called affiliate marketing. This is where you promote someone else’s product on the internet for a commission. This is a very popular money making technique used by many people.

Basically how it works is you find an affiliate program online that you are interested in. This can be done by doing a search online under the term affiliate products or affiliate programs. Once you have found a product you would like to promote, you can sign up to the affiliate program offered. You will then be given a link with your affiliate ID to promote, you then advertise this link on the internet. When someone buys the product you make a commission off the sale. This is the easiest way to make money online.

There are many affiliate marketplaces on the internet you can choose from. One very popular marketplace I would like to share with you is called Click Bank. Here you will find thousands of info products you can promote making you money online. All you have to do is sign up and start searching for the products that you would like to sell. You then get your link and promote that product for a commision.

Ok, so now you have your link and you are ready to promote it.

This is the hard part for many, and many give up after countless failed attempts to get people interested in their products. This had led to some people spamming everyone through random email addresses to try and sell the products. This is not a good idea! You will not make money this way, you will only annoy the crap out of everyone, and possibly get banned from your affiliate providers. So don’t do it! The fastest way to advertise your affiliate link is through Adwords. This is where you place small ads that are shown under the keywords you choose, so you are advertising to the right audience. The catch is you pay every time someone clicks on your ad, how much you pay per click is up to you. It could be 0.10c or it could be over $ 1, you set your own budget. This is the fastest way to get your links seen and to make money online. Do a search online & you will find lots of websites that will explain how to use Adwords from the basic setup to the more advanced techniques.

This is pretty much the basic run down on how to start making money online quickly.