Few trucks in the world of commercial trucking or construction trucks are as cool as the dump truck. In addition to the fact that dump truck is just a cool name, you can bet that most of the time when you see children playing with toy trucks, theres likely going to be a dump truck in the mix.

We love dump trucks because theyre extremely powerful, have some high-octane moving parts and also make our lives substantially easier. Whether its a garbage truck hauling away our trash or a dump truck at a construction site laying down aggregate for a job site, we let dump trucks do our dirty work and heavy liftingand unlifting for that matter.

Dump Truck Insurance

Insurance for our rear-loading or side-loading friends is specialized for just about the same reasons we think theyre cool. Since the trailer is actually a moving part, commercial truck insurance levels need to account for the extra risk and operational hazards associated with loading and unloading.

Additionally, the cargo thats often found in the backs of a dump truck tends to be much less diverse as what youd find on an 18-wheeler.

Its common for dump trucks to haul aggregate, dirt, sand or gravel. While this is a necessary function, the actual cargo value is usually pretty low. Having a specialized policy to some degree allows for drivers to avoid the typical high cost of fluctuating cargo and trailer insurance policies that generally take into account a wide degree of fluctuationcargo values change regularly and its common for trailers to get swapped frequently as well.

Who Needs Special Coverage for Dump Trucks?

Typically, motor carriers that own and deploy one or many dump trucks will need this specialized coverage, as well as independent owner/operators as long as theyre operating under their own authority.

Other Policies To Consider

Comprehensive coverage is often attractive truck insurance to many drivers since it will cover their own losses in the case of vandalism, theft, accidents or other dangers associated with owning expensive equipment.

Patrick Winchester is a freelance writer with commercial truck insurance expertise. Need to save on truck insurance while keeping legit coverage? Visit http://royaltytruckinsurance.com