
Home Equity Loan

Tapping into your assets is something that you may be considering and obtaining a home equity loan may be the solution for you. Needing extra money today is an understatement. We are all trying very hard to keep what we currently have but this is getting harder. Our...

Finding Good Things To Sell On Ebay

Have you been looking for good things to sell on eBay to make money? In this article I will give you some ideas on what to sell to make money on eBay and then later on I will reveal to you how you can make huge amounts of profits without having to invest in any money,...

Career In Social Work

Career In Social Work

Social work has many dimensions, and it is a good career for people who wish to help improve the lives of others. There are many types of social work, and you can choose the field, which seems most relevant for you. Statistics show that social work jobs have increased...

How to Choose What to Sell on eBay

eBay is very competitive. Many people say that you should sell what you are interested in but you should also be alert for what is in demand. Many people start out trying to sell things that are too competitive. Don't try to sell the most expensive electronics until...

Unemployment Rate

Unemployment Rate

Jobs In My AreaUnemployment Rate The unemployment rate in California remains quite high, as it does for much of the nation. At 12.4%, California again clocked the third-highest unemployment rate in the nation last month, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported last...


