YouDucks32 BitTorrent tutorial – How to download movies, games, music, programs, pictures, e-books, clips and much more – FOR FREE and VERY FAST !!! Hey, YouTube! In this video i’ll show u how to download movies, games, music, programs, picture, e-books, clips, songs, albums and much more FOR FREE and VERY, VERY FAST !!! All you need for this video is: 1. Internet 2. This video 3. Time 1. To download BitTorrent click the link down: 2. To download uTorrent click the link down: 3. To find the file you want to download go to some of the ‘torrent’ sites: http http 4. To download the text file (WITH TRACKERS WITCH WILL SPEED UP YOUR DOWNLOADING) click the link down: 5. To download a program called ‘Cheat Engine 5.5′ witch will speed up ur download click the link down: 6. To watch the tutorial on how to speed up BitTorrent using Cheat Engine 5.5 click the link down: 7. FOR NEW BITTORRENT VERSION: WHEN THE DOWNLOAD IS COMPLETE, THE CURRENT TORRENT WILL SAY “SEEDING”. IF SO, THEN YOUR DOWNLOAD IS FINISHED. YOU CAN REMOVE THE TORRENT (OR JUST LEAVE IT THAT WAY), AND FIND THE LOCATION WHERE THE FILE IS DOWNLOADED (AND DO WHATEVER YOU WANNA WITH IT). THANK YOU. Thanks for watching ! Now, I hope u know how to download files with BitTorrent. 🙂 Please COMMENT, RATE, LIKE and SUBSCRIBE ! For any problems, questions, comments, informations and more, message me
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