Operation Demonoid Engaged | Anonymous | Greetings World, The collective has noticed that Demonoid, a popular bittorrent tracker has been removed from the Internet. This atrocity was carried out by the copywrong police of Ukraine, as their gift to the United Fascists of America bit.ly This is unacceptable, we cannot stay silent while this ruthless attack has occured on our freedom of speech. Internet has always been free and should stay free forever! We hold these rights of freedom to be self evident. Despite Demonoid blocking all Ukranian IP addresses to avoid upsetting local law, the site still attracted the attention of the authorities. The raid on Demonoid was timed to coincide with the first trip of Deputy Prime Minister Valery Khoroshkovsky’s to the United States on the agenda: copyright infringement. This implies that the attack against Demonoid was a preplanned operation, and a deliberate and malicious attack against Internet Freedom. We will not let this go unpunished. We will seek revenge against all criminals responsible and their punishments will be severe. We can no longer sit around and watch this censorship happen right in front of us. Haven’t you, Ukraine, learned anything from the Anonymous “Collective”? You were attacked once, and yet feel the need to keep censoring us, your people, and every day hard working citizens? What do you gain? What and or who are you protecting? No need to answer those questions. It’s plain and simple, money, power, & greed are …
demonoid is gone.. take a deep breath, suck it in, its ok, sob a little. now get over it. our beloved demonoid may have been stricken for the face of the internet but the millions of pirates (now trackerless) are not. we will find new homes, we will pirate again, and when our new homes get raided and fall victim to the same plight, we will again find new homes or new ways (if need be) of pirating our warez. This video will briefly review a few trackers poised to welcome demonoid’s scattered user base. alphapirates.info