I’ve decided to dub this new project “Concept Park,” based on the idea that I can quickly implement a concept and see how successful the idea would actually be. Of course Pirate Bay is a Disney based attraction, but I decide to use the water coaster instead of a slower boat ride system. What you see in this video is the contstruction of two HUGE soundstage areas that quests traverse through. What I wanted was a completely enclosed and all encompassing dark ride, no matter how extravagant the effects and scenerey were. The first area is a pirate village called Pirate Cove. There’s lots of detail here, I had a lot of fun building this part of the ride. Lots of empty barrles of rum floating around, lots of trash and debris everywhere, the buildings are all makeshift strutures. I also used entertainers to play the parts of pirates and bandits to give life to the section. At this point of the ride, guests are supposed to overhear a loud converstation about the whereabouts of treasures at the cursed Skull Island. The second area is a HUGE open-water room where quests are fired at by a rival ship trying to get to the treasure first. Lots of fire, cannon blasts, and water effects to simulate cannon balls crashing into the water. The rival ship wrecks on the rocks and the guests enter Skull Island. Guests then are lead to a cave, where the treasure is supposed to be hidden. The boat is of course sent up a chain lift and guests are dropped into the third chamber where the coaster