When people are hurt at work, they are often compelled to file for Unemployment Benefits. This may be because they are fired for not being able to do their job or end up quitting because they are no longer physically able to do their job. If you quit, you will have to show that you did so with good cause. If you physically can no longer do your job because of your injury, that qualifies. If you have been terminated, your employer may attempt to withhold unemployment benefits. To do this, your employer will have to demonstrate that you were terminated because of a misconduct on your part. Misconduct is intentional behavior by you. For example, if you are not performing at work even though you are medically capable of doing your job, or if you call in sick numerous times for unnecessary reasons, these behaviors would qualify as misconduct. Your employer would have to show documentation of these behaviors at an unemployment hearing. If documentation is not available and it comes down to your word versus your employer’s word, the likelihood is that you will win your case and will be able to collect Unemployment Benefits.
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we’ve reported on the trouble unemployed new mexicans have had with the phone lines at workforce solutions. tonight, we can show you how bad the problem really is by showing you one unemployed man’s outragous phone bill. he was on hold so long — now he’s stuck paying hundreds of dollars. investigative reporter jeremy jojola takes a deeper look at the problem plaguing unemployed new mexicans. this cell phone bill for more than 700-dollars really shows how bad it is to be unemployed in new mexico. it documents more than a thousand calls into workforce solutions made by one man trying to get his check. at one point he was on hold for nearly four hours—-and charged nearly one hundred dollars just for that one call. 72-year-old ernie sanchez would reallyike to use his unemployment money for basic needs. “that’s all i got coming in…” but ironically, he has to that money to pay his phone bill because he was on hold for so long trying to get his unemployment check. “it’s almost the same amount for two weeks of benefits that i was trying to get.” he owes more than 700 dollars. “i feel cheated in some way…” sanchez says his cell phone is his only line and if he didn’t make the calls to workforce solutions, breaking his call limit, he wouldn’t have gotten his money. “very frustrating..” the bill shows sanchez made 1114 calls to workforce solutions in one month. some days—-it took hundreds of calls just to get through—each costing 45 cents. and wh he would get through—he …
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