Hello, my name is Windy People and I am the wholesale manager at Dollar Store Services. My staff and I are responsible for supplying hot new merchandise to every new store that we open and for training each new store owner in all elements of running a successful retail store. My experience with dollar store operations is vast and covers over 20 years. I started by working in, then managing a big box dollar store of over 15000 square feet. This store had been opened for 5 years and had never made a profit. In 90 days I took the store into the black and received an award for a 297% increase to my bottom line. Hiring a friendly staff, increasing my sales floor inventory, adjusting the product mix and building end caps that drove multiple sales are just a few things that helped me reach this goal. Because of my skills I was sent by my company to other stores that were not performing well. I was given the task of cleaning up these stores, often changing management and staff, and putting these stores on a profitable pathway. I gained invaluable experience developing the best techniques in running these stores and selecting the best merchandise for our industry. About 15 years ago I joined dollar store services as merchandise manager and new store trainer. Delivering the highest quality, best possible assortment of merchandise at the lowest price point drives everything we do. Because only about 1 in 5 products available in our industry has the overall PERCEIVED VALUE necessary …
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