The White Valley

The warrior envisions a white valley in his mental kingdom extending from east to west.

He sees there the entire day’s creation and destruction process.

The white valley gives him all courage and confidence.

Remaining in the valley he feels rejuvenated and becomes refreshed.

Since the discovery of the valley deep inside himself he merges in all peace and calmness.

With pure love he carries out all the work processes.

With a beautiful mind he enjoys sweet mental processes.

He always remains in the valley with all coolness.

The valley brings all the messages of the east and the west.

He advances with all hopes and courage with a beautiful unification process.

Only love predominatescand he feels only universal oneness.

Merging in the valley he gets all life’s essence.

All whiteness predominates his mental horizon.

He understands everything with a deeper insight and feels pure.

In the pure land every thing seems bright.

He works with perfection feeling the wisdom of light.

He always feels the vibartions of the valley.

Thoughts are being created and destroyed echoing in it.

Only whiteness remains and life seems to be bright.

With a clean mind and a clean heart he always sees a beautiful sight.

At the end of the day nothing remains but he feels all white.

Love only tremendous love remains making all his thoughts sweet.

With all positive thoughts he advances with vigor and zeal.

Fufilling his hopes he progresses with a strong will.

The white valley broadens his mind and gives him a dynamic spirit.

With a greater motivation he works with all might.

His mental sight stretches all along the valley.

Moving along the valley he spends every day beautifully.

Nothing seems to distract him from the path of progress.

Working with tremendous love he makes all his works perfect.

Merging in serenity and tranquility he feels divine mental processes.

His vision brightens and he sees a future full of success.

In the silent night the white valley becomes beautiful.

With the illuminated stars and the moon he becomes cheerful.

Thought by thought he advances in the valley.

The mind merges in the higher philosophy of life and he enjoys life beautifully.

Resting always in the valley his life seems to be purer and brighter.

What ever he thinks,speaks and does fills his mind with all cheers.

Absorbing the whiteness of the valley he dives in to the ocean and goes deeper.

He feels astounding happiness seeing all the treasures.

All the sorrows,agonies,grief and despairs disperse in the valley.

Observing the valley his mind becomes tranquil.

The songs of life becomes sweeter and brighter merging him in all melanocholy.

He feels the vibration of the entire universe and greater becomes his zeal.

All things become erased and he feels all whiteness.

Each moment he sees in all things and beings the universal oneness.

With the help of the valley he realizes the ultimate reality.

Getting the divine essence he merges in serenity and tranquility.

The valley works miracles for him.

It always enlightens his body and mind.

He works better and thinks better getting all hopes from all sides.

He becomes able to view the life from the prospective of a deeper insight.

Sometimes reamining on the top of the valley he sees his life as a success.

Spreading the messeges of peace,hope and confidence beautifully he rests.

He feels all whiteness all around the globe.

People merged in it fly together with love.

The morning sun comes out of the valley making him awake and afresh.

Amidst intense activity he feels to be in the valley and feels all coolness.

With cold silence he hopes for a bright future.

He serves his organization,family and the society in the best posiible manner.

