I decided to write a quick blog about an application that I used recently which is a fantastic tool for any lawyer or law firm that closes real estate transactions. It’s called The Conveyancer and it’s offered by a company called Do Process. 

The Conveyancer is the ultimate deal closing database for real-estate lawyers. It offers functionality that saves time and improves your administrative efficiency. 

Not only is it easy to use and enables you to produce your closing documents more efficiently, but it also: 

1. Enables you to import and export data from Teraview – greatly reducing manual data entry! 

2. Populate your title insurance documents (the 4 major title insurers) – also greatly reducing manual data entry! 

3. Provides you with point and click access to 12 secondary databases that help you maintain contacts such as major financial institutions, municipalities, insurance brokers, mortgage brokers, surveyors, lawyers and law firms (that are The Conveyancer users) and more. Again reducing your data entry! 

It also improves communication with the other side of the real-estate transaction when they to are a user of The Conveyancer. You can message the other side for missing information on your file and when they respond, the data automatically updates the matching record in your system! This software even does all the math for you – from your trust ledger, to land transfer tax and rebate calculations!

They offer a 30 day trial and unlike most other software applications you can start off by trying it out on a deal by deal basis before making the commitment to purchase, or to mass import your firm’s data into the software.

If you take advantage of the trial, click on the secondary databases button and check out the “Solicitors Database” to see how many other lawyers also use The Conveyancer. You might be surprised. 

 I can say without a doubt that making this application part of your workflow will make your staff so efficient that the benefits far outweigh the negligible cost associated to purchasing the application. The only thing I am unsure of is if the 30 day trial is a promo or on all the time so if you are interested I recommend visiting www.doprocess.com or contact (416) 322-6111.

Assure Assess Corp. is the leading provider of services to law firms, accounting firms, trustees, financial institutions, government and some private enterprise.

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