Scottish Government introduces new legislation to protect tenants’ deposits New legislation to protect tenants in Scotland comes into effect on 2nd July, with government-licensed Tenancy Deposit Protection schemes launched to bring Scotland into line with England and Wales. Scotland has one of the highest percentages of rented properties in the UK with over a third (37%) of homes in the sector. From 2nd July, all landlords and letting agents in Scotland who take a deposit from their tenant must submit it to the scheme within 30 working days of the beginning of the tenancy. The law applies to all existing and new deposits. Tenancy deposit protection was first introduced in England and Wales five years ago to raise standards in the private-rented sector and it’s hoped its introduction here will do the same for Scottish tenants who until now have had no protection or guarantee over their deposit. However, new research released today by my|deposits Scotland shows that six out of ten (63%) tenants in Scotland are not aware of Tenancy Deposit Protection (TDP) legislation. my|deposits Scotland has been formally approved by the Government to operate a TDP scheme in Scotland having run a similar scheme in England and Wales over the past five years. The scheme has protected £1.4billion worth of deposits on behalf of nearly 90 thousand members in England and Wales and has consistently met all targets set by the Government. It is important that landlords, agents and tenants are
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