Millions of people are making money on eBay these days. It’s one of the worlds largest shopping sites, and a great place to start an online business. But what do you do when you run out of stuff to sell from your garage? What happens when the attic is cleared out? Where do people get all this stuff that they sell on eBay? These are questions that most people ask when considering starting their own eBay business. Luckily, finding stuff to sell on eBay is simple, and can put you on the path to a full time home business.

First, you need to think about what you want to sell. Whether it be electronics, clothes, movies, or books. You are best off getting into a niche, rather than trying to sell everything. The most successful eBay business owners focus on a specific niche, and dominate it. So think about interests you, and how you could go about selling products to that crowd. This is an important first step that many first time eBay sellers miss.

Now that you know what you want to sell, you will need a source of products. Obviously to make money, you need to get pricing which is much lower than retail. eBay charges listing fees and closing fees, so you will need to take that into account as well when calculating your margins. What you need is a quality wholesale supplier. If you’ve searched online for wholesale companies, you’re probably confused, disappointed, or both. That’s because REAL wholesale companies do not advertise in search engines. That’s right. What you’re seeing in the search engines are middlemen that make money by getting in between you and the real wholesalers.

To be successful selling on eBay, you need big margins. That’s why its absolutely critical to find a real wholesale supplier, and not a middleman.

By using a wholesale directory, you can gain access to thousands of real wholesale and drop shipping companies in nearly any category. Wholesale directories are listings of real wholesale suppliers that have been confirmed by 3rd parties. These companies are sorted, rated, reviewed, and ready to supply you with the products you need. For more information on wholesale directories, see the website below.

Aaron is a self employed eCommerce professional. He owns and operates two highly successful online stores. For help finding stuff to sell on eBay, check out these Wholesale Reviews. You can sell almost anything you can imagine on Ebay. There are however, limits, to what can be bought and sold. This video shows you…
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