Strawberry Nutrition Facts… low in GI, very low in GL, sweet by nature, nutritious, full of vitamins and minerals, high in antioxidants, low in calories and rich in phytonutrients… They should be part of every health conscious person’s diet.

Rich in Vitamin C:

As an excellent source of vitamin C, they are believed to help with healing wounds and keeping skin in good condition. Vitamin C protects the body against free radicals which are associated with certain cancers such as colon, lung and stomach, heart disease and other conditions to do with aging. It is also believed that vitamin C supplements don’t have the same effect. This may be to do with the interaction between vitamin C and other compounds found in this fruit (California Strawberry Commission-Health and Nutrition article: Strawberry Nutrition Facts). 

Phytonutrients to boost and maintain great health:

Phytonutrients are not vitamins or minerals, they are simply active components of pigments found in the skin of fruits and vegetables. Phytonutrients can protect against heart disease, cancer and macular degeneration, by enhancing immunity, converting to Vitamin A, causing cancer cells to die, repairing DNA damage causing by toxins and pollutants and serving as antioxidants (Meskin, MS et al. Phytochemicals Mechanisms of Action. Boca Raton, FL CRC Press LLC.  2004 ).

Antioxidants help cell regeneration by eliminating the free radicals, thus keeping our bodies highly immune to outside diseases. This makes them rank high among the best rejuvenating elements.

They deliver the pure necessities of the human body without bringing in the excessive carbohydrate quantities.(Phytonutrients benefits article by Noah Liebsch, April 1,2006). 


Protection from Heart Disease:

They are rich in potassium, fiber and folate: Fiber lowers the risk of hypertension and cardiovascular diseases. Folate can help reduce homocysteine, an independent risk factor of heart disease. Potassium can significantly lower blood pressure. Antioxidants can deter the oxidation of bad cholesterol. Oxidation speeds up the build-up of plaque on the arteries which may endanger the heart. Flavonoids have anti-inflammatory effect on arteries, they prevent blood clotting, hence reduce the risk of stroke. (By Laura Ng, 

Destruction of Cancer Cells:

They contain a variety of cancer-fighting compounds, including vitamin C and folate, anthocyanins, quercetin, kaempferol and ellagic acid. Very few foods or their compounds have been shown to reduce risk of some cancers. However, strawberries and/or their constituents have shown promise in both cell culture and epidemiological studies. 

In a study published in Journal of Agriculture and food Chemistry, researchers attempted to identify the mechanisms through which fruit extracts may exert protective effects on human live cancer cells. Quercetin and strawberry extract were shown to arrest the cell cycle progression stop the cancer cell proliferation , also showing a dramatic reduction in cell viability. (Strawberries Destroy Cancer Cells article, The Medical News, 23 March 2005). 

Great for Skin:

They are full of anti-aging vitamin C and antioxidants, more than oranges or grapefruits. Vitamin C can protect your skin from sun damage by cutting the occurrence of age spots and freckles in half. The ellagic acid in them suppresses melanin, which causes your skin to darken when exposed to ultraviolet light. They are a source of manganese, which speeds the regeneration of skin cells and helps to fade marks in the skin. They also contain high amounts of salicylic acid to help treat an acne prone skin.(By Shirley Anderson- Berries for Natural Health and Beauty).