Start A Home Based Business! Some Quotes To Help Motivate You To Start Your Own Home Based Business!

The time has come! It’s a New Year…2011…You really have to finally get started with your own home based business! You are not getting any younger and your job sucks anyway, plus you are tired with working with those idiots and people who are not very nice or happy…so it is time to move on! Besides, you have wanted to do something like this for many years! Get off your butt, turn off that blasted TV and start being productive…dagnabit!

“If you limit your actions in life to things that nobody can possibly find fault with, you will not do much.” – Charles Lutwidge Dodgson

“If you want to succeed, you must make your own opportunities as you go.” – John B. Gough

“Success is due less to ability than to zeal.” – Charles Buxton

My name is Father Time, a self-help writer and speaker, of and I am here to tell YOU that you most certainly can start a home based business and eventually make enough to live on! You have to get started, right away, as soon as possible, and ignore your moronic friends who are negative and miserable, and who are going no where in life…we all have a few of those!

I started my self-employment by peddling self-defense pepper sprays in my town and I had a loser friend who kept complaining how broke he was and how much his life sucked, but all he ever did was watch animated television shows (you know the ones) and played video games, and I ended up writing the guy off…but here it is a few years later, I will bet his life STILL sucks!

“Always bear in mind that your own resolution to success is more important than any other one thing.” – Abraham Lincoln

“We would accomplish many more things if we did not think of them as impossible.” – C. Malesherbez

“A man can succeed at almost anything for which he has unlimited enthusiasm.” – Charles M. Schwab

So, there are some great quotes to help get you motivated! I also have a daily motivational e-mail message that you can sign-up for (currently giving away some FREE subscriptions) and it is found on the website! Plus, there is an eBook I wrote with over 111 Ways That Anyone Can Make Money From Home!

Many Blessings!

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Father has been a published writer for over 33 years, and He also has a fabulous Online SuperStore featuring many unique and interesting items, including Good Luck Amulets, Psychic Readings via e-mail, Indian Medicine Bags, and other Powerful & Effective Mystical Items and Good Luck Attracting Jewelry! Do YOU Want to WIN MONEY Gambling?

Father’s awesome website is where he also offers an Awesome Daily Motivational e-mail Service! You can sign-up for FREE for a limited time only!

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