“Father of the Post?? Roland. Hill Jazz” and “pence Postal Law”, sparked a major revolution in the world postal, but also led to the world of stamps of the Queen?? “Penny Black” was born. August 17, 1839, the British Parliament passed the implementation of a uniform system of penny postage method and postage prepaid system. September 6 to October 15 to seek public comments on the postage-paid vouchers and design artwork. While this is due to confirm the artwork and produced the first stamp, face value for disability measurement, printed in black ink, it said Penny Black stamp.

British “Penny Black” is the world’s first stamp. Originally scheduled for New Year’s Day 1840 came, but not ready to stamp the sale on May 1, May 6th was officially opened. May 6, 1840, the British General Post Office in London Thames lively exception. Fog dispersed, the sun warm, the people happily arrived spacious industrial and agricultural hall, crowded around the counter in mahogany, with a glittering gold pounds, eager to redeem a Zhang came out ” Penny Black “stamp. Two days, the counter can always see a burly, long the beard of the staff carefully observe the situation of the sale of stamps. In his diary he wrote: “Today, the stamp first appeared in London, a post office noise exception.” The next day he continued: “Yesterday, the British chart sold 2,500 worth of stamps.” He is Roland. Hill, as His contribution to postal reform, and to design the world’s first stamp “Penny Black” and go down in history. The Queen gave him the title of count, the International Philatelic Association dubbed him “the father of stamps,” and many countries have issued commemorative Roland.

Hill’s stamps. Before the birth of the stamps, postal charges are in accordance with the number of sheets of letter paper and delivery of journey length per-item basis, and postage paid by the recipient, the standard fee is also high.

17-century England to complete the bourgeois revolution, from the 18th century to the 19th century, the Industrial Revolution. To promote social change and economic development of the postal reform. In 1837, Roland. Hill’s speed made famous paper “postal system reform their importance and usefulness.” His reform proposals referred to as “A penny uniform postage method” content is in the United Kingdom one-half ounce on letters unity within a penny of the postage charge, postage must be prepaid. The British government finally accepted the proposal, Roland. Hill was hired as the Ministry of Finance staff. In 1839, the British Ministry of Finance to seek the public offering a reward of stamp designs, has received about 2,100 pieces of works on the design of which four were awarded the first prize, but no one used. Thus, Roland. Hill hands design. He William. Wayne precise moment of the 1837 Queen Victoria ascended the throne on the side portrait medal for artwork, paintings of the two stamps artwork.

Stamps carved by the sculptor Sheehan Brothers Ban Mo, Perkins. Believed Limited printing. No shading in the white paper, facing the sun for a photo, you can see Each stamp in the middle of a small crown watermark, so that the world’s first “Penny Black” stamp was born. “Penny Black” stamp to postal significant step forward, marking the world’s modern postal service, in an epoch-making significance. “Penny Black” is the color and denominations collectively. It uses black engraving printing imperforated not standard country names, only the Queen’s portrait, this tradition has been followed so far. Logo at the top of the “Postage” on the bottom is that the face value of “one penny” and that the print runs of 12 stamps each line composed of a total of 20 lines of stamps, a total of 20 lines, each 240. This is because the British currency was 1 pound = 12 shillings = 240 pence, a full print runs just one pound. Particularly interesting is that the stamps are the following corners and one each in the English alphabet, the same line on the right hand side of the lower left corner of the letter of the same stamp pattern. The first line of A, the second row is B, the following analogy in alphabetical order; in the lower right corner of the letter patterns are printed in sheets of stamps that position, from left to right, arranged in alphabetical order, as the first horizontally from left to to the right for the AA, AB, AC up to Al, the second horizontal sequence BA, BB, BC, until Bl … … The purpose of this arrangement is to prevent counterfeiting. Although in 1840 a considerable number of existing stamps, but a complete restoration the original print runs is very difficult. As the stamp just come out, people do not know how to stamp what is, so every whole “penny black” side of paper were printed caption: “Each stamp is a penny for every sale of a shilling line 12 Each sheet sold a British list.

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