If you are looking for a legitimate online business opportunity social sites such as Twitter and Facebook could be good places to start searching. In social networking sites you can get to know people and ask questions about the opportunity they are offering. This gives you an exceptional chance to evaluate if the online opportunity is legitimate or just a scam.

Social networking is a phenomenon that is sweeping the internet. One of the first big social sites was MySpace. It became very popular for people to hang out and make new friends quite fast. Today, out of the various social networks that people are involved in, the largest ones are Twitter and Facebook.

Twitter is unique in that it’s a form of blogging called micro-blogging. You can post updates known as tweets of 140 characters and you are not limited to the number of them you can do every day.

This can benefit you when looking for online business opportunities. After you start getting followers and making friends you will get familiar with these people as more than just a face.

If you would like to find a legitimate way to make money on the internet just Tweet asking people to contact you if they are making money online. You’ll be surprised the response you will get.

Facebook is another site where you can make friends and post updates on what’s going on in your life.

As you make friends go and look at any website URLs they have in their profile.

Some of these people are making money online and are involved in good online businesses. You can research this at your own leisure and may very well come across one that appeals to you.

The nice thing is now you can email your friend and ask their opinions about the opportunity you are looking at. Chances are you’ll get a review that offers both the negatives and positives and is something you can trust and believe what you are being told.

After you have started your own online business you can use social networking sites also to promote it. There are people just like you who will be looking for ways to make money and some of them will want to join you in the opportunity you have selected.

This makes Twitter and Facebook good places to find legitimate online business opportunities. It also makes them great sources for new prospects for your own business and online income.

Pasi Kaarakainen is the owner of a legitimate online income website that helps people all over the world to make money on the internet. For the best online business opportunities anyone can make money with visit his site today.