www.nellypaekukui.com http Thought many of us could identify as to what is relative or as to what many of us do here online. Of course many of us have our different reasons for being here. Some just seek social interaction, whether it is with friends or family. Some use the internet as a tool for business or networking, etc. What I thought was interesting, was something that I experienced the other day with my grandson. He came over and wanted to spend time with me on the computer. So he wanted us to play games online. Of course, I always would like to learn new things and definitely wanted to enjoy spending time with him with something he would like to do. He actually introduced me to a site called Club Penguin or something like that. We went to this site, and I discovered it was just a little kiddie game place which I thought was pretty cute. He had to get his username for his penguin, design his appearance, select his igloo, and interact with all the other penguins. Wouldnt you think it is so much like internet marketing? You have to get select your own username, and choose how you would want your presence to be visible to others online. Anyway, he chose his name, and made his choices as a penguin, then came the interactions with all the other penguins. There were some who would just chit-chat within their two or three friends. There were some just a little obnoxious throwing snowballs at certain others. Then I noticed that there was one dominant penguin who really