LinkedIn is the world’s largest professional network with more than 120 million members and still growing. LinkedIn connects one to his trusted contacts and helps him exchange knowledge, ideas, and opportunities with a broader network of professionals. If you joined LinkedIn and filled out the profile thinking it was only an online resume, you’re definitely missing out on a world of opportunity. But there are more than 150 million people there who are ready to do business. It is, no doubt, the professional social network. Linked-In is undoubtedly the most desired one in the field of marketing. In a time span of 7 years it has established itself as one of the leader in the social media space. If you are a businessperson or an entrepreneur looking to promote your business digitally Linked-In is something that should be considered. Linked-In has come up with a wide range of features and applications that a marketer can use to promote their business.

If used wisely it can take the brand to an unprecedented height. Blank Page can help one set up one’s LinkedIn company page and also plan LinkedIn advertising campaigns as part of the broader digital marketing strategy. But a few days back many LinkedIn passwords were hacked. LinkedIn has confirmed that a number of accounts may have been compromised in an apparent cyber attack among reports that up to 6.5 million passwords may have been leaked online. A company spokesman said: “We can confirm that some of the passwords that were compromised correspond to LinkedIn accounts.” According to a report on the technology website ZDNet, while some of the login details supposedly stolen are likely to be encrypted, some information may be compromised and LinkedIn members are advised to change their passwords.

A file containing 6,458,020 encoded passwords was reportedly posted online in the past few days.

LinkedIn said it was continuing to investigate the incident. However, it said members that have accounts associated with the compromised passwords would notice that their LinkedIn account password is no longer valid.

“These members will also receive an email from LinkedIn with instructions on how to reset their passwords,” it said. Graham Cluley, senior technology consultant at Sophos, said: “It would seem sensible to suggest to all LinkedIn users that they change their passwords as soon as possible as a precautionary step. “Of course, make sure that the password you use is unique — in other words, not used on any other websites — and that it is hard to crack. “If you were using the same passwords on other websites, make sure to change them too. And never again use the same password on multiple websites.” The site was started in the living room of co-founder Reid Hoffman in 2002. The company employs some 2,447 employees including over 100 here in Ireland.

Just like other social media platforms here too a user needs to create an account simply by filing-up a form and confirming the activation link that Linked-In provides to its users. Once this is done one can leverage many applications and platforms that Linked-In offers to its users and customers. Groups are the digital space where like-minded people congregate to exchange their views and ideas. A group may have hundreds and thousands of people who are in the same niche and industry. You can build your relationship with these people simply by joining the group.

LinkedIn has an events platform that allows one to target thousands of professionals for free. Creating an event on LinkedIn is simple. One just needs to answer a few questions and then start promoting the event. Send an invitation to the people who would be interested in the event based on region or niche. A person will notice a wealth of opportunities from hosting one’s own event. This is one of the ways of LinkedIn Marketing that helps business grow.

The author of this article is Puneet Gupta and He is an internet marketer and has strong passion about digital marketing strategies and Social marketing.

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