The Griffith Welfare & Student Liaison Office has three tenancy videos that you might find useful. The characters are students who experience some very common rental issues and problems.

New film made by the Brancab Film Unit and funded by Warwickshire County Council. The film aims to explain the forthcoming changes to Housing Benefit that will mean some social housing tenants in Warwickshire will have to contribute to their rent for the first time. The Welfare Reform Act effectively changes the rules for any working age household deemed to be under occupying their home and claiming Housing Benefit. The changes begin from April 2013. The Brancab Film Unit, established in 2011, is based at Bedworth Citizens Advice Bureau and makes videos for organisations, local authorities, and the commercial sector. ‘Brancab’ stands for ‘Bedworth, Rugby & Nuneaton Citizens Advice Bureau and more recently includes Tamworth. For more info about the Brancab Film Unit:
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