There are many ways for men to pursue and maintain fitness that require massive lifestyle changes, and those usually are unrealistic. In order to take advantage of fitness opportunities that require little lifestyle change, follow these easy tips to create new habits which will lead to better fitness for men.

Take the stairs. It sounds like a hassle, and it may take a couple more minutes, but taking the stairs rather than the elevator can make a difference in your health. Huffing it up a few flights of stairs may not seem like much, but it will help with cardiovascular health.

Eat smaller portions. An easy change in lifestyle can come from simply using a smaller plate or dishing out less onto the plate. American portions at restaurants are usually 1 1/2 times to double what an average person actually needs to eat at a meal. Ask for a to go box in the beginning and fill it up before you dig in. That way you won’t just finish the larger portion out of carelessness or because you are involved in conversation.

Park in the back of the lot. Just like taking the stairs, parking in the back of the lot take just a few moments longer to walk to the door of work, the grocery store, or the gym. But this little change in your fitness regime added with other small changes can make a big difference. Plus, it’s just easier to find a parking space at the back.

Eat more often. By eating smaller portions at meals and adding in regular healthy snack times throughout the day, you can tell your body that it’s okay to burn fat.

Eating more often raises the metabolism and communicates to the body that you will be eating again soon so it doesn’t need to go into starvation mode.



Brian Cullen is a well known article writer of men’s fitness topics.

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