own a website and you are really really concerned about getting traffic. One question pops up in your mind, “How do I increase the traffic?”, isn’t it?? Also, you might be lacking the might budget, which will bring instant traffic , or pay the so called SEO experts. In such case we need a simple, low cost or no cost solution, RIGHT??

Let’s discuss 5 tips which will attract visitors without spending any money!! Yes, you read it right!!! without spending any money. So, let’s start.

Tip 1:
Diectory Submitting:
This is totally free and you would be required to fill the url and a short description. Then, your site will be available for people to view. This will also increase one-way links to your website, thus increasing the traffic and search engine raknings.

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Tip 2:
Search Engine Submit:
This is really important, if you want the search engine visitors to view your site. Search engines, will index your site and then only, can they show your site in search results.

Tip 3:
Reciprocal Links:
This is another good way of increasing your search engine rankings.Here, you agree to host other people’s link, in your site and they will host your link. So, you have some extra links pointing to your site, thus giving you the authority. So, good method.

Make Money Online

Tip 4:
Use URL where ever possible
Use it in forum signatures, email signatures, comments, stationary, business cards etc.

This is sure to bring huge traffic to your site.

Tip 5:
Email List:
This is my favorite. It’s said, each person in the list is equal to $ 1 per month. So, make a small sign-up form and if possible use an auto-responder. You can send them mails with promotions periodically. This, will make your site popular and give you more sales.

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