When it comes time to think outside of the box in order to make some money, you’ll have to look into the free services that allow you to update a website for free. Even if you’re not technically savvy, you can start what is known as a blog. Blogging is an amazing thing that anyone can start today for free, and you if done properly, can make money online for anyone. If you take 3 months of your time, 1 hour a day, you will make serious money, especially if you start writing about what you love. Consider the following 3 steps forward that will get you serious money in due time.

Step 1 – Creation

First and foremost, create your site with whatever name you’d like. Remember to think about this, it’s going to be the lasting name that you have. If you love baseball, for instance, make your site about your love of the game, but be careful with logos and copyright. That is just an example, as only you know what you love most. Pick a topic and stick to it, don’t over extend your reach, and you’ll be on your way. The creation phase is easy, as there are services online that come equipped with templates that you simply plug information into and get to writing.

Step 2 – Writing

The second thing that you need to do is start writing about your subject matter. Write no less than 400 words a day about the topic that you love. Talk about it in a first person kind of language, and do not overtly look to get people to purchase anything.

Remember, the purpose of a blog is to generate real traffic so that you can sell goods, information, and advertising. Do not spend too much time thinking about the writing, but make sure that you update no less than once a day.

Step 3 – Generate Links

If you’ve followed the first two steps, you’ll be able to move forward with step number three. The third step is to generate backlinks to gain search engine credibility. The more credible you seem to search engines, the more traffic you’ll receive, and the more traffic you receive the more money you will make online.

The above 3-step process takes no less than 90 days. If you can go for 90 days of updating your blog, generating back links through a variety of different ways, you will see money. You can’t fail; if you write daily about something you truly love. Pick a topic you never get tired of, and watch the money come in through a variety of channels.

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