Recent changes have caused many people such as you to hit the web and search for EBay alternatives. Seller fees have gone up– shipping is included in the fees–and seller protection is not what it should be or even what it once was. There are some who would also make the case that the market is over saturated, too many sellers and not enough buyers. Having said that, it is clear that there are numerous reasons to look elsewhere for selling online.

Things to Keep in Mind in respect to EBay

· You still have to set up an account even if you only want to sell one item, one time

· Many sellers are setting restrictions on who can bid based on feedback scores

· The market is simply not what it used to be

· Going to others who sell on EBay for you costs even more in commissions on top of seller fees

· Simple browsing on EBay can take hours before finding anything you like

· Too many sellers with the same goods for sale lowers the value of what you are offering

When looking for e-bay alternatives, it can be difficult to find one that isn’t a penny bid site. These are not the deal they make themselves out to be, with extended auction times every time a bid is made, and having to buy your bids in bundles to use them. Sure, the bid is for a penny, but you have to pay for bids, and pay what the item sells for.

What to Look for in EBay Alternatives

You will want to find a reputable auction site, or even a sale site, that isn’t so crowded that your goods are undervalued.

But at the same time, you want one popular enough to get people there that are bidding. Ideally the e-bay alternatives will be or have:

· Seller protection

· Buyer protection

· Enough traffic to get you a fair amount of bids

· Option to list at a buy now price as well as auction

· Fair fees that won’t eat up all your money from the sale

· Good customer service and support

· Not so overcrowded with everyone and their uncle selling the same “rare” items

· Easy to navigate and search for items

· Listings that continue to appear and aren’t buried under pages and pages of other listings

It may be difficult to find reputable EBay alternatives, but the fact that e-bay started out as an unknown novelty should be kept in mind. There is such a thing as getting too big online, to the point where overcrowding starts to affect customer service. New sites are beginning to crop up in increasing numbers, some of which have a very good chance at success. Why not get in on the ground floor?

Keep in mind while looking for EBay alternatives that these smaller sites may even try harder, since they are trying to build a reputation and customer base in order to compete in a very difficult market. They can offer the kind of service for both buyers and sellers that EBay is no longer able to, simply because of their sheer size. It is easier by far to take care of a thousand customers that millions, on an individual basis.

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