LinkedIn is a social networking site that is meant for businesses. This professional networking giant
was founded in December 2002 and was officially launched for public use in May 2003. LinkedIn is open for worldwide use and as of August 2010 LinkedIn reported over seventy five million users. This site is multilingual which enhances its international appeal. The site caters to English, Spanish, Portuguese, Italian, German and French speaking users.

LinkedIn is comparable to the other social marketing networks in that you make connections to other people. These connections may be classmates, coworkers, colleagues or other friends in business. This is a great place for not only larger corporations but also smaller businesses as well as self employed individuals and freelance workers.

Lets face it, the employment market has become pretty brutal in the recent years and many job-seekers have lamented that they wished that they knew somebody that knew that certain somebody that could help them get a job. LinkedIn makes that possible. It is a great resource for both the job seeker and the employer.

For the job seeker, there are several companies that advertise openings right on the network. You are able to follow companies that you are interested in working for. This allows you can do some research on the company, read reviews and feedback about the company, and follow that companys growth, including employment opportunities. So as a job seeker, make sure that your profile is accurate and free of any errors. This may be your first introduction to your perspective employer.

For employers LinkedIn provides a place to find new employees. You can view the previous employment of prospects and you can also see some feedback and recommendations of people who are interested in your company. Social media tells a lot about a person and you can learn how technically savvy they are and what level of netiquette they practice. Employing those that are tech savvy is very important to todays businesses.

LinkedIn also allows you to connect with former classmates and colleagues and see where they are in business. You never know when you might have a friend in a business that you need. You may need a lawyer and of course a lawyer needs clients. This is an incredible networking tool. Its definitely better than rummaging through thousands of business cards or having your business card end up at the bottom of someones pile.

Karriann Graf is a Social Media Manager/Strategist for small businesses and real estate professionals. Her focus is to help you learn about the best Social Media methods to connect with your clients and customers and increase your revenue.