Nicky thinks the Air Force might provide some of the adventure she’d love in a career and she’s been interested in the Air Force from a young age so she’s off to check out what life as an Air Force pilot is all about. There’s certainly plenty to learn and she needs to keep her wits about her as she’s shown through the all important pre-flight checks. Nicky discovers there’s a whole lot more to being a pilot than meets the eye but realises it’s a career with widespread opportunities and life on base offers a great lifestyle. Find out more about becoming an Air Force Pilot at

Just The Job Season 5 - RNZAF Air Security Specialist

Ashleigh Tauariki has teamed up with mentor Corporal Jerry Drummond, an air security specialist, who has been in the RNZAF for five years. Jerry explains what’s involved with the role and Ashleigh learns it covers a whole range of skills including investigation, ground defence, base and drill security which are applied to the likes of protecting an aircraft, protecting VIPs to providing security for convoys. With that in mind, first stop is the rifle range as an air security specialist must be a proficient marksman. With paintball rifle in hand, Ashleigh tries her hand at target shooting and is then put through her paces ‘in the field’ so to speak with targets popping up as she works through the Real Action Marker training. Next up she gains an insight into the role dogs play in the security of an air force base before learning about the ‘9 seconds to survive’ rule when donning a protective suit and mask used in training for a biological, chemical, radioactive or nuclear event. Investigation is also part of the air security special role and Ashleigh joins Corporate Olivia Davies and sees her interviewing skills at work and learns a little more about the investigation aspect of the job. Then it’s on to the parade ground. Marching is the quickest and most efficient way to move groups of people from one area to another and Ashleigh tests her skills at getting the group to move as they should. Finally, Ashleigh is on night patrol with Sgt Jerry Drummond and his German