Turn on the TV, the Internet will be able to receive massive program, more than ten years ago, the classic TV series, just downside want to see the most popular film … …

Internet TV Painted a tempting prospect. With the network television stations, the number of Hangzhou China, Shanghai has gradually received wide Internet TV license, first emerged a new pattern of broadcasting. From ideal to reality, and spans a post copyrighted content audit, and many other threshold. TV manufacturers, program providers are required to find the most secure way profitable.

With “chopsticks” need “food”

Internet TV, by definition should be online and watching TV. The fact is, you

Home Appliances Store a trip, you will find the Internet access line is not the TV, you can browse the Web smoothly, the customer can see only a limited manufacturers opt to push content. This is why TV manufacturers on the Internet, the enthusiasm of the earliest television?? Control value highly profit “content” link, apparently lucrative than simply manufacturing.

TCL , Changhong , Konka … … Almost all domestic TV manufacturers are eager to stop production of traditional televisions, generous launch Internet TV production plan. At the same time, they set up their own

Education , Games, information, video content platform, and to throw an olive branch frequency of the major video sites. Users through TV, a direct link to the video with the vendors site, watch a lot of self-uploaded by the users Internet self-timer video, foreign animation, the United States and Japan Korean drama. Everything looks beautiful, the potential risk of self-evident, many of piracy and illegal program to openly enter the countless families.

This practice was stopped, the Internet television face “only dishes, no food” embarrassment.

Internet TV license issued, bring a new dawn. Although the content providers to reduce network TV stations in China, Hangzhou number, Shanghai Media 3, but it means that Internet TV out of the “black family” suspects, continue to promote fair and square. Major TV manufacturers quickly turned around and attack. TCL and China announced a strategic partnership network television, and Internet TV laboratory set up. Tsinghua Tong Fang,

Hisense Changhong also active with three content providers to establish cooperative relations.

There is no timetable for when the appearance

Even with this license, “Zhunsheng Zheng”, Internet TV content broadcast how much is still unknown. Hangzhou, China a few head of reporter’s visit, stressed that the current Internet TV with integrated interactive TV content, and interactive television similar pattern, rather than directly to the TV to connect to the Internet, view online video.

Three contenders are not willing to respond to Internet TV appearance schedule. This emerging industry will change the traditional TV balance? Copyright does not regulate the content of the introduction of television terminals, the content industry will be hit hard. Even if the content is genuine, legitimate, Internet content copyright is not the same as TV content copyright. Buy a set of television drama can cost several hundred thousand dollars or even hundreds of million, while the network is usually only the copyright fraction of the price. Internet TV prices fall to bring the first-mover advantage. And ratings mean

Advertisement Places, television stations do not want to see the content from the Internet audience crowd thinned. Internet TV distribution of benefits if the parties reached a consensus can not let it into the thousands of families realize the dream would be difficult to complete.

“Content is king” is the last word

In the dynamic Internet TV programs, “China Brand” video site because there is no license, no right to speak, this has not affected their interest in Internet TV. Network chairman Lv Wensheng said excitedly, Internet TV is a subversion of traditional media channels, the user demand for content will be multiplied with the developers involved in this line of development to bring movie theater box office is the same reason rapid growth. They will work closely with the license side, efforts to promote its three-screen business. On the other hand, he believes that “content is king” applies at all times, emotional self-made network news commentary program, “Ray heard the world” complete input of traditional television, that television shows appear in whatever form, good-looking are the first to attract viewers conditions.

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Some confusion is obvious on the set of NBC’s “Today” show, regarding the Internet and the @-sign. This is reportedly footage from between segments that was not originally aired, and apparently dates to January 1994, around the time of the Northridge earthquake (that occurred literally five minutes from where I’m sitting, and which I remember very well indeed). Both the video and audio of this clip were in terrible shape when I received it recently — I’ve cleaned up both as much as possible, though the quality (especially hue distortion) still definitely isn’t anything to write home about. Don’t laugh too hard at Bryant Gumbel and Katie Couric. It’s easy to forget how relatively recent a phenomenon the Internet is for most persons who use it today!
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