There are many ways to use the free blogging platform WordPress to make money.

From creating simple salespages to review sites to article directories to paid forums to fancy e-stores, there is actually very little you can’t do with WordPress when you have the right tools and step-by-step instructions.

Great, but easy to understand (if you’re not a programmer), comprehensive, up-to-date descriptions of how to set up WordPress blogs to make money  (the best plugins, themes, graphics, e-stores, etc.) can be hard to find.

Enter Leanne King, otherwise known as the WP Queen. Leanne has an e-book guide that offers beginners and advanced users everything they need in one place. With clear screenshots and prose, she covers:

how to install WordPress on one or more sites at a time
how to quickly customize the appearance and function of your blog
the best plugins and themes depending on the kind of site you’re creating
how to create various specialty sites. She groups them into projects, so in a very short time you can learn how to create professional looking membership blogs, e-stores … even employment directories

Leanne has tested what she recommends like mad on her own sites to make sure it’s solid. She also keeps up to date with any changes in WordPress. As long as you get the upgrade version of the guide, you’ll be informed if anything in the book is no longer valid.  She has a great video package if you find it easier to learn techniques that way.

After reading only a few chapters I was able to improve one of my blogs in ways that I had no clue about before. It was staggering how much time I had wasted trying to find useful information online beforehand. I truly had almost pulled my hair out as a result. Now I have a treasure trove of tutorials for how to set up many different kinds of money making blogs, either for myself or future clients. 

I recommend that you check out Leanne’s guide at so you can stop wasting time trying to find useful information and start to use WordPress to make money blogging.