My goal is to show how to pick some realistic items from thrift stores, craigslist, garage sales. Nothing crazy but items of value to make a bit of profit. I will also show some basic information about what I know and try to help other people as well.My first video in a series I am doing to help people not get rich, but to make a little money on the side. There are so many treasures out there that need dusting off and a second chance at life. We are a country of consumerism when there are tons of already made excellent products waiting for a new home. Tips on saving money in general, from a real life current college student. Aimed at college students, thrifters, and stay at home mommys and daddys The sucky videos that I ran across were a lot of the top search hitted videos. If you DIG deeper you can find great youtubers with lots of great information on the great picking community.