The last few months I have noticed my AdSense revenue and site traffic really heading the wrong direction. This worlds economic crisis has an impact on everything.

What do we do about it?

Well with crisis also comes opportunity. Try not to think of this as the end of the world because it is not. Also do not get discouraged, stay on track and you will get through it.Now, we must come up with a plan to keep our AdSense earnings flowing as planned.

Think, It’s not that hard!

Take this for example. People all over are losing their jobs, it’s not a nice thing but it is realty. Now in your position think of the positives of this situation, yes it sounds weird but it’s not. With job loses comes an increase in job hunting, job placement, job training etc. What I did right here is give you a gold mine if you put your AdSense tools to work for you.

Go ahead and see for yourself, run some of these words and see how the search volume has increased. Take advantage of this information and away you go!

Try to come up with more ideas along this line and you too will see that there is still money to be made with Google AdSense. You have to remember, you have to find the money, it will not find you right away.

In Conclusion

Don’t let the hard times get you down, think positive and you will rise above this. I remember my Dad saying “one man’s loss is another man’s gain” you know what…..he was right.

Jeff C Hobbs