www.facebook.com ——On FACE BOOK www.stbaldricks.org St. Baldrick’s Foundation Please follow the link above to go to St Baldrick’s and donate to help in the fight against Childhood cancer. Children are dying each and every day at an alarming rate and for the many parents like myself and Max’s Mom Jodie we are trying to do anything at all possible to bring awareness and funding so no more children die from the monster wrecking ball known as Childhood cancer, aka little “c” Please consider sharing this video and viewing the other childhood cancer awareness videos on Max’s channel. Thank you all. STOP CHILDHOOD cANCER! This disease may have taken Max from us but it cannot stop us from pushing for a cure that is well within reach. Did you know that every 3 1/2 minutes a child is diagnosed with cancer? We are trying to help change that. Half of our fight has been for Max, and half of it has been to spread awareness. The simple fact is, if more people were aware that this is not a rare disease and far too many kids are suffering, more funds would be raised, more research would be done, and there would be more cures. None of this would be possible without the help of Social media as our Govt is not protecting our children with proper research funding. It is up to children selling cookies and Mom and Dads shaving their heads to find a cure. Time is of the essence and every day closer we get to a cause / cure than we are right now will be 200 children not taken like my Buddy
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