When you are applying or placing your freelance quote, you need to know what the client or the service provider is looking for. If you are in service seeking, there are things which you are supposed to be in understanding that are a must any client will be looking for;

Your portfolio, resume or past work or any other details which will help him understand your nature

How interested you are in the project

The price which you are charging for the project

Portfolio: when you are placing the portfolio, it is important that you ensure you are specific, detailed but also explaining who you really are. Remember that the client has never seen you, thus you are giving him or her picture of yourself.

Interest: as much as you are in a hurry of writing fort he freelance job maybe a trade job advertised, you have to ensure that you show good interest of what you are applying for. Asking questions are good ways of ensuring that the client is confident that you are serious on what you are looking for. Ensure that you understand every bit of the job being advertised.

Pricing: when you are biding for the job, it is good that you be considerable. Considerable here means that you are not the only one who is applying for this job-right? When you are quoting your price, you have to give a price not much low or much high-an average price which shows that you are considering the client as well as you the service seeking personnel.

Best quote is not necessarily the lowest quote: most of us, the freelancers have always had those mentalities that when you are giving a low priced quote, then you are giving the best. One thing that every freelance jobs seeker should understand is that the client is also a professional. When you give a very low quote, what you are telling the client is that you are as low as that quote. He becomes very unsure if you are going to deliver work of desirable quality. This means that you have to be very careful even as much as you want to be competitive, price must not go to the extreme low bid quote as a competitive strategy-give a reasonable freelance quote.I know you may be asking now, how do I know which price to give for the quote? Simple, you only need to ask them the budget range (joke). In fact the last thing you should never ask your client as a service seeking person is the budget being offered. Direct asking of the job makes the client feel pushed, and you dont want this.

In most times, you will get some hints about the client as well as the job being offered. You can find them giving you their approximate budget. You can also use the option of finding someone else who might know their prices. Usually, for the case of a freelance site like service central directing you to a freelance site for work, you are sure that you will get a budget range attached to each work description. With this, it will be easier for you to know if you are comfortable and how to reciprocate towards the price quotes without going out of place-be reasonable.

We are talking of reasonable to mean;
Do not overcharge
Do not make it too low
Do not make the client feel scammed
Dont make yourself feel underpaid

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