The most challenging part of any career change is actually finding that perfect new job. Whether youre currently unemployed or looking to move onward and upward, its important to have a solid job search strategy in place so you dont get stuck in a rut.

Here are the top 5 job search tips I share with my coaching clients.

1. Network, network, network! Online or in person, you never know who youre going to meet when you start networking. I feel its important as a job coach to encourage my clients to try a little of everything, until they find their niche. Even social events can turn into fabulous networking opportunities if youve got the right attitude.

2. Know your career goals, and stick to your guns. Unless youre in really dire straits, you should never settle for less than what you want. Thats not to say you shouldnt bend a little in order to score that perfect gig, but dont ever compromise your values.

3. Strategize. Are you willing to check out any offer that comes your way, or do you have your eye on a specific corporation or geographical area? Depending on your individual goals and flexibility, your strategy will be different. If youre leaning more toward the former, you might plaster your resume on every major job search site, call a few headhunters, and wait to see who bites. I dont recommend this strategy. You need to be more targeted, its a good idea to spend your time cultivating your connections, researching specific companies and asking for introductions to the companies at the top of your list.

4. Revamp your resume: After you define your target. A positioned and well-laid out resume is one of your best assets in the job search process. If youre not sure your resume is up to snuff, Im always happy to review your resume. Contact me for details.

5. Be patient! If youre sick to death of the job search process, take a short break and do what you need to do to get refreshed. Perhaps you need to re-evaluate your strategy? Perhaps you need to refresh your skills, add news ones or practice interviewing. Hang in there; the right job is out there, just waiting for you to fill it. Never underestimate the power of positive thinking, but dont forget it needs to be accompanied by a well thought out strategy you take action on!

Your Action Step is to complete at least one job search related task outlined in your game plan. That could be posting your resume online, attending a networking event, rewriting your resume, or sitting down with your friendly neighborhood career coach for a pep talk. If you keep moving, youll never lose your momentum!

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