Offering business insurance plans to support your finances can be a very profitable trade. You can earn residual income and a surge of potential client referrals the moment you develop a clientele portfolio. A clear-cut agent can become a familiar figure in society and a great reputation can pave the way for more customers. With the use of commercial insurance leads, an inexperienced insurance agent can get a head start in the business of selling business policies.

The primary step you must take in finding business insurance leads is to put up a network with your associates. Some experienced agents you know may have a complete customer portfolio, or have plans on leaving the trade soon, may share with you some of their leads or teach you a trick or two.

Other insurance agents who do offer a different type of coverage may also recommend you to some of their clients. Like in the case of a disability insurance agent who refers his entrepreneur client to someone like you who sells commercial insurance. You will also have the advantage of getting to know more your colleagues and competition when you socialize with them. Nonetheless, these people are not the only ones you need to make your business lead exchange. Look for local businesses that are significant to your area and close a deal.

Once you get a lead, try to find out the names of some of his friends who have their own companies who might also long for a few good deals on a business insurance policy.

You may give them a little thank you gift, such as an attractive money charm for their business. So that even though you cannot pull their policy rates down, they would still appreciate your effort.


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