In this economic downturn and with limited funds available and looking for a top on line business opportunity or changing from the one presently in to enable you maximize your investment returns is something to be done with caution. We are mostly confused and intimidated by the large information available to us on the Internet and do not know how to get round to making the right choice, so this article will attempt to guide you to making the right choice.

In my journey into on line business, I ran into the same problem and fell into the trap of believing everything advertised not only did I loose money, I ended up been more confused than I started out with in the first place.

Some of the programs or opportunities promoters did not understand what they were marketing for when you ask the support staffs any question, the answer you get beats your imagination. The only thing they know is to tell you to buy another product. They are there to make sales for their bosses and not to assist you. I must at this junction warn that “Not All That Glitters That Is Gold“.

Below are the things to look out for in an on line business opportunity:

1. The Marketing System: You might want to ask “What is the Marketing System? Or What Do We Mean By Marketing System?” This refers to the system put in place to market the business opportunity. The top on line business opportunities have moved away from the “Old School” philosophy of the “3 Foot Rule”, “Chasing Families and Friends, Prospecting Strangers in Shopping Malls, Buying Leads & Cold Calling Trying to Convince People to Join Your Business….to the “New School” Philosophy of Building Your Business Online, through showing your prospects how to get into positive cash flow quickly through provision of valuable information using the principles of “Attraction Marketing”.

It teaches you how to learn and apply Attraction Marketing and List Building principles; make upfront cash flow through the training programs and tools you provide through affiliate programs to your prospects; building of trust and respect with your prospects by offering them value; building of long term residual income without pitching and convincing people, the greatest is promoting yourself.

This is because; this is your business and not the site that you are promoting.

This are among the many things you should find in a good top on line business opportunity system. If your marketing consists mainly of promoting your business opportunity, through a replicated business opportunity site, you will join the 95% of all Network Marketing reps who spend more money on their business than they actually make.

2. The Compensation Plan: A top on line business opportunity, that promotes the same compensation plan opportunity for both the old entrant and the new, is what you should seek. Do not look for those that offer a higher compensation plan structure to the old entrant and a lower one to the new bies. Do not look for those who practice the pyramid system. Be careful, Read between the lines.

3. Training: The on line business opportunity that offers a proper step by step guide that is workable is what you should seek. Most top on line business opportunities offer free training and have up to date back office and highly skilled support staffs to meet the needs of every entrant no matter the level of their computer educational ability. Do not fall for those who say they are offering you free training that is based on buying products on a daily basis. They don’t add value to your business knowledge but rather deplete your purse. So look for those that have value to your business knowledge.

Look also, for an on line business opportunity that have proper mentorship from scratch. Someone with a history of success that you can relate to and interact with. My mentor is one of the success of my business.

4. The Community: To join an on line business opportunity, you need to know the make up of the community. Who are the promoters of the business opportunity; what is their success rate; Do members feel welcome or are they outsiders and what reputation do they possess within the industry are among the many things you should look out for.

Do not get sentimental when checking out this for your success or failure might be hinged on this. Nobody wants to associate with anything that is not workable or is shun by the society. We want to walk on the path of success. If we can take the time to check out the neighborhood we want to live in we should be able to check out our business investment opportunities.


5. The Product: What is the product the on line business opportunity is promoting. Is in bulk or e-information or what. The product, promoted by the top on line business opportunity varies from industry to industry and what you choose to promote is also very important.

A lot of top on line business opportunities trainers try to advice people to go for non bulk items to avoid the problem of bulk carriage, shipping charges, damages among other things. The other reason the trainers advice against bulk products, is due to the low compensation rate. The choice of the business opportunity you make is a matter of your own personal choice.

Also and most importantly the quality of the product you promote is also very important to your success, nobody would like to promote an obsolete or slow moving item or a poor substandard product.

Given the above, the success or failure of your choice of on line business opportunity depends on the choice you make. You need to be very careful for like I said earlier, “Not All That Glitters That Is Gold”. I learnt the hard way when I was choosing my own on line business opportunities and lost a lot of money, before I finally found one that have surpassed my expectation. I have learnt a lot from my present programs and so the pain of my initial loss when searching for a top on line business opportunity have been wiped off.