Before you spend your hard-earned cash on an extended auto warranty for car at a car dealership, you should take a little bit of time to do your homework. After having been in the car business for years, I can honestly warn you that car dealerships mark up the price of extended warranties hundred’s of dollars. In many cases, an extended warranty that costs the dealer $ 200.00 is sold to a customer for over $ 2,000.00.

So if an extended auto warranty because the dealer $ 200 is sold to you for over $ 2,000, imagine how much money you can save if you were able to go around the dealership finance department and simply buy your extended warranty direct. The savings are astounding and you can get better coverage with better deductibles if any deductible at all, for less money. Pennies on the dollar.

You have to be careful to avoid scams as they are all over the Internet. You have to be careful to make sure that you do your homework and fully understand what is covered and what is not. Some warranties are just like new car warranties and cover the vehicle from bumper-to-bumper, while others may only cover the basic internal parts of the engine and transmission. The value that a legitimate warranty company can offer you is in the fine print. Make sure you study all aspects of the coverage and ignore marketing hype.

The best way to find the best deal on an extended auto warranty is by using an online website that will allow you to compare coverage details and price quotes.

Extended Auto Warranty Quotes based on your vehicles year and model and get quotes from multiple companies. You can save so much money buying direct vs buying through a dealership at http://www.CarWarrantyDeals.Net/