Elderwerks offers free senior housing and care referrals. We help families find all types of senior housing including retirement living, assisted living, Alzheimer’s care, nursing homes, home care, etc. Elderwerks also refers to elder law attorneys, SRES Realtors, Senior Move Managers, government services and any other support services you may need.

we were sent to san diego to get housing with a voucher, the entire time we habve been here has been nothng but misinformation by the housing authority and lack pof caring by them towards senior citizen who lives in a wheelchair and is in dire pain due to living on the streets because the housing authority has plain ignored us and gave us wronge information and information thst was not what we were told would happen . 6 weeks we have been trying to get housing with an already approved voucher. now we find out that the process duplicates from one authority to another. no one returnes our calls ! no one writes even though we have a temporary mailing address. this is not the way it is supposed to go. this showes a lack of consistancy and continuity in our government agencies. everyone tells us lies , fabrications , and misinformation. not one pwrson in the san diego housing authority has told us the real truth about anything or has lent assistance. that is not how it is supposed to go for the disabled and seniors. we have the funds to rent, but there are no disability accessable housing in this city as we were told there was and if there is its being kept secret untill our voucher runs out, then we are REALY SCREWED. we believe that is the plan , to screw us around untill our voucher is out, with misinformation , no information , and ignoring the usual proceedures. we have called a no of agencies who also just ignore our requests for assistance. i will do a video about these …
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