Some people just do not understand how to use Twitter. When most people think of it, they think of “what people are doing”. From a business perspective, it is not much different from that. However, using it for business is much different than telling people you need to go shopping or that it is snowing outside. This is precisely the wrong way to use twitter if you really want to get a good amount of followers and convert followers to customers. Below are the keys to having good success on twitter for businesses and how it can be used.

Give Your Followers Regular Updates

As mentioned above, I am not talking about updates as in that you are twittering from the restroom or that you are about to run the kids to school. You updates must be targeted to what your followers are interested in. For example, I have seen some radio stations do a good job by telling their followers about the popular bands coming to town for a concert or the new albums that are being released. That is what their followers want to know. They could not care less about what song is currently being played, which I have seen some radio stations do.

See, what you must understand is that your followers often receive these updates via their phones or email. It is more annoying than interesting to see a radio station send you a message every time a different song comes on. So regular updates are good, but in excess it can be a problem. So keep this in mind.

Twitter Can Help You Find New Customers

There are a lot of good companies out there on Twitter looking for new business. The way that others are doing it is that they are interacting in conversations that deal with a topic that they specialize in.

For example, a website design company might search the twitter database for topics dealing with website design. Whether it is people just looking for suggestions, or maybe even searching for a company to do work for them. When they enter into these conversations via searches, answering questions, those people might follow them and eventually become customers.

Put a Personality with the Name

Almost all Internet Marketers will tell you that people really want to put a personality to a business name. In the long run it makes them feel much more secure about their purchase. This is particularly true about people who are just now moving into an industry. For example, I have been in web development for a while now. I know who the good web hosting companies are. However, when I first got in I remember spending countless hours looking for just the right company. I still ended up picking a terrible one, but that is beside the point. When you make yourself available and speak with people on a personal level than just through a website, they will be much more inclined to buy from you. Not only this, but your existing customers will have a new way to discuss things with you, not just through a support ticket or an email. You may find that your clients who follow you will be much more loyal to you later on down the road when you speak to them as a friend, and not just as someone who wants to sell them something.

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This is Part 1 (of a 3 part Series) I’m doing on How To use Twitter for Business. Part 1 is about “Listening” on Twitter. Part 2 is about “Engaging” on Twitter, and Part 3 is about “Tweeting” on Twitter. They are intended to be watched in order as a series. Follow me on Twitter,

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