If you find yourself facing financial problems ahead it is possible to gain relief by using a mix of selling online and off. In addition to this you may have a hobby you can monetize. Maybe gardening or decorating would suit you. Work like this is normally done for cash and you can usually get paid daily. Within the scope of this article we’re going to stick to online methods and we’re going to examine both short and long term methods to develop ongoing financial stability. Here’s where we find the easiest way, make money online.
Without a doubt one of the best means of raising cash in a short time scale is Ebay. We all have too much ‘stuff’. By listing all of your unwanted or unneeded goods on an Ebay auction you can bring in much needed extra money. There are many people making full time income from this one source alone. When their own goods have been sold they buy more from flea markets, garage sales and yard sales etc. Clearly this takes extra work, but if you’ve got the time, why not?
What you may not know is that you can use Ebay to sell goods owned by others. There are a couple of ways to go about this. The first way is by advertising goods that you source from a drop-shipping company. These companies hold stock and when you make a sale you pay them and they in turn send the goods direct to your client. I’m not keen on this approach because you have to involve a third party. If things go wrong you’re likely to suffer through your client’s feedback to Ebay. I think it’s better to avoid this and stay in charge of your own destiny by buying offline and selling online.
There is a way to sell on Ebay where, regardless of the outcome, you get paid and never appear in Ebay’s feedback system.
You never handle products, you don’t have to ship anything and you don’t even need to know who the vendor is! Assuming that you have access to a computer and an internet connection, this is all you need:
Sign up for a completely free account at Squidoo.com
Sign up for a completely free account at Paypal.com
An hour or two a day.
Squidoo is one of the easiest sites on the internet to use. Here you can set up your own web page completely free of charge, no catch and they will never bill you. You’ll find free links to both a blog and a Squidoo page that will show you ‘how to’ below.
As we are discussing Ebay in particular, I’ll explain why the Squidoo detail is so important. A Squidoo ‘lens’ is made up of individual modules. The modules are both text and ‘sales’ modules. The idea is to either tell a story, give information, do a product review or almost anything else you can think of within the text modules. Between or below the text modules you can insert a sales module or two. We’ll stay with Ebay for now. When you include the Ebay resource you need to edit it. This is where you can pick individual products to sell or ‘let Ebay decide’. This is by far the easiest option. It works like this. If you ‘let Ebay decide’ the onboard program will look at what you’ve written and will automatically add auctions that match your lens subject. If someone bids on a product from inside your lens and they are the successful bidder, you get paid a commission on that sale. It really couldn’t be easier.
If you do decide to do this I would suggest that you do it alongside your own selling so as to keep the momentum going.
Once you have your first lens live, it is time to start a second. Some people have hundreds of lenses so you can imagine that with the level of exposure these lenses get, there is a very high probability of turning a very good profit. There is even more to Squidoo as it allows you to place links to other products you may be selling as well. It’s all covered in detail through the ‘simple money online’ links below.
At this stage you may be thinking that what I’ve described seems like a lot of work. This is only because you probably don’t know how to do the above effectively yourself yet. I fully realise this. That is why I’ve provided two more free resources below. The first is to my blog where you will learn the basics of ‘how to’. The second is to one of my Squidoo pages that you haven’t seen yet. This will demonstrate how to monetize your own lens. Easiest way, make money online is a free resource. Be sure to bookmark my blog, there is new content every week.