To create  your first website can be a daunting process to the beginner or newbie.

Take the time and do it, if you are serious about making money on line with your web business.

Blogging platforms and Squidoo lenses are all complimentary to your efforts, and they all have their place, but when your business starts to grow, your own site will be critical to your success, and expand your potential to build a steady income.


With your own site…YOU have total control.
You don’t have to tolerate any advertising which you don’t choose to have.
You can have multiple pages, and  much more flexibility in terms of design and customizing it EXACTLY how you want it to be.
Your own personalized domain name is much more professional.
Your own site gives you the potential for unlimited expansion, and a much easier way for your visitors to navigate through your information.

What are the set up costs?

Registration of a domain name will cost in the vicinity of $ 10 a year….not a huge expense.
Hosting  is available for around $ 7 a month.
Pretty much all the other tools needed are available for free. including a HTML editor, and an FTP client.

Don’t worry if you don’t understand what HTML is or what an FTP client is. Help, (and good help) is available.

Where can I get help to build my first site, if I know nothing about it?

I was in that situation not to long ago, and I read an ebook entitled  “How to Build Your First Website by 3.45 This Afternoon”  after I did that, everything fell in to place, and the step by step guide got me on-line in no time.

My on-line business is up and running.

Its not hard to do, it really is possible, with the right help and guidance.

When I started in internet marketing, I knew very little, and it was not until I happened upon a step by step guide to building an online business.
It all changed when I read an ebook by Chris Farrell. That same book is now available FREE on my website.
Get started and download the book.