Wafer dicing is a three- step process. The first step is to process the wafer and then separated the die from wafer of a semiconductor. There is a machine called dicing saw which can be used in the process through breaking and scribing or the laser cutting technique is used for proper wafer dicing. After the dicing process is over the silicon, chips are capsulated in the chip carrier and then they are ready to use in electronic devices which includes computers and many more things. There is a dicing tape on which the wafer is mounted and the tape has a sticky backing that helps in holding it to a thin metal frame. The dice that comes out of the dicing process is used on printed circuit board. Once the dicing process is done the wafer die will be there on the sticky tape until the die handling equipment take it out. These equipments are called die sorter or die bonder which helps in the assembly process of the electronic equipments. The wafer dicing can be done also by using laser techniques. It is also known as stealth dicing which works in two stage, the first stage involve scanning the beam and defect regions are introduced into scanning along the cutting line intended and in the second stage the carrier membrane gets expanded for inducing fracture. There are no of companies that work in wafer dicing using two of the techniques while some concentrate on just one of them. This is one of the most wanted companies in recent times as the demand for computers and improved PCBs are increasing day by day. It is better to have the best wafer dicing device or look for a company which is experienced in the total process.After the dicing process is over the silicon, chips are capsulated in the chip carrier and then they are ready to use in electronic devices which includes computers and many more things.

There is a dicing tape on which the wafer is mounted and the tape has a sticky backing that helps in holding it to a thin metal frame. The dice that comes out of the dicing process is used on printed circuit board. Once the dicing process is done the wafer die will be there on the sticky tape until the die handling equipment take it out.

For more information on wafer dicing, check out the info available online; these will help you learn to find the wafer dicing!