Local business online marketing is difficult for the small local business owner. In fact it’s really tough. If you read some of the industry forums you’ll find many business owners asking each other how to make their local business online marketing work.

The small business owner generally can’t afford to hire an expert to tackle this for them. Often the cost can be over $ 1000 per month. Not only that, you have to sign a contract for 6 months or a year, that scares small business owners to death.

Studies show that over 60% of business owners who attempt local business online marketing drop it after 6 months. My guess is that their business is smaller than the 40% of the businesses who continue to find it profitable.

You see, there are two main options for business online marketing. One is pay per click and the other is directory listings. These options can be great if your marketing budget can afford for you to get top placement. To be found in pay per click and directory listings you need to be near the top where the eyeballs are looking.

Of course the marketing companies know this and charge a premium for those spots. The small business is at a great disadvantage trying to slug it out with the national franchise outfits.

So how can local business online marketing work for the little guy?

Well, the good news is 60% of people never look at paid search results, they just look at the organic results. What if you could place a promotion for your business there?…Well now you can.

http://www.Frugalocal.com was started for this exact purpose. Now in minutes you can create a local business online marketing promotion which is posted on the Frugalocal database and submitted to the major search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing all for only .50 cents a day.