Is it possible to make money online even if you do not have a product to sell and do not have a web site?  Of course you can!  Luckily for you a new generation of dot-coms has come into existence that will compensate you for what and who you know without you having to be a marketing genius or a web designer.

There are various things you can do on the Internet to make money with little or no cost to you.  There are some survery sites out there that really pay you cash for filling out a survey and not just reward you with points or put you into a drawing to win money.  There are also a couple of sites that have business models and will pay you for a wide variety of activites.  You can help people find jobs on the Internet.  If you refer a person for a certain job and they get hired, you can earn from a few hundred dollars to thousands of dollars!  You can break into the job recruiting business here with no overhead.  There is a certain site on the Internet that will set up a job board for your organization or site and you do not need to have a web site to do this.  There is no cost to you.  You determine how much the posting fee will be and then you split the profit with the company.  You can also have an Internet business where you connect suppliers with buyers.  In many businesses today the referral fee is commonly used, but on the Internet this practice has not been used much because there was mainly no way to keep track of the referral fees.  There is a site on the Internet that can do that for you,too.  Vendors set the amount of referral fee they are willing to pay.  When a trasaction occurs, you will receive 70% of the referral fee.  There is another Web site that pays its members to help keep information current about the people they know.  It will pay you $ 1 for each new contact that you put into their system.  All of those one-dollar bills add up!  

Do you like to report on different subjects?  Perhaps you would be interested in writing blogs for a particular web site.  They are looking for people to write original articles of between 250-500 words on various topics such as parenting, travel.

celebrities and much more.  For every 1,000 people who view your post, you are paid $ 10.  However, there is no telling how much traffic or money you will get to you blogging site.  Of course, you do not have to write for Creative Reporter.  You can set up your own blog for free at Blogger in less than five minutes.  Blogger helps you do a lot of things such as setting up ads with Google AdSense so you can make money off your blog. In order to make even more money from your blog, you can set up an affiliate program to sell music, books, etc.  All you have to do to set up your blog is to pick an interesting topic to write about, tell all of your family and friends and you will be off to a healthy start!

Hopefully, these ideas have given you an incentive to begin making money online at little or no cost to you.  It will take effort and determination on your part, but I am sure you will be a success!

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