To find new clients online with internet marketing you need to work out where they hang out online. Then go to them. The main thing to remember with marketing your business online is you need to go to where your client is, rather than waiting around for them to come to you.

Look for discussion boards

These are like online bulletin boards with people posting questions or discussions and anyone who is a member can reply. Find some which talk about the sort of business you are in, and start posting. Share your knowledge for free and give people good reasons to look for your business. Put a link to your site or blog on the bottom of the post.

Start a blog

Blogs are free and are another effective way of demonstrating your knowledge to your target market. When you are posting valuable information, other people will connect with you and follow what you post. This is great for building relationships with your existing clients, as well as building links with potential new clients. And that’s the key-relationship marketing is King.

Set up a Facebook page

It really doesn’t matter what you think of Facebook and social networking, if your clients are using these, you need to be at the party too. You will find that many of your clients have their own pages. Give them a good reason to connect their profiles with yours so you can let them know when you are running special offers or introducing new services. Make sure you have your Facebook and other social networking sites on all of your internet marketing pieces to make it easy for your clients to connect with you.

Use Twitter

Twitter can be connected to your blogs and your Facebook page, and is an easy way of making quick updates for people you are connected with. Like Facebook,these could be special offers or other news about your business. They could even just be keeping customers informed about opening hours, or any other news about your business you want to get out there. All this builds up a closer relationship with your clients-and relationship marketing means a higher instance of client loyalty to your business.

Use these social networking services as part of your internet marketing strategy to help you to find new clients online for your business, and to keep in touch with the clients you already have.

If you want to attract more customers you need to have a quality internet presence. Visit for lots of great tips on how to find more customers online from Catherine Trebble, author of ‘Guide To Marketing Your Business Online In Ireland’.