My name is Eric Sachs. I guess you could call me a “regular guy.” I’m 42, married and I have 4 kids. I’ve been in the wholesale mortgage industry for the past 13 years or so. I’m pretty good with computers (the basics).

I have a friend (Brian) who is in his early 20’s. Brian doesn’t have a traditional “job” and does Internet Marketing for a living. He averages $ 3,000-$ 4,000 per month and only works about two hours per week. When I asked him why he doesn’t just work more to make more money, his reply was “I hate to work.” In reality, he is a young, single guy and probably doesn’t really need to make any more money. He is perfectly content “working” from home on his laptop a couple hours a week. I have always envied him.

Recently (about 3 months ago) I asked Brian how I could get into Internet Marketing. At first, he was basically trying to talk me out of it. When he realized that I was serious, he finally sat down in front of a computer and brought up a Blog site that was done by someone named Kelly Felix. He told me that Kelly and his partner (Mike Long) were basically Internet gurus who had both made millions online. They put together a “how to” program called Bring the Fresh. Bring the Fresh is a step-by-step guide on Internet Marketing and making money online. My friend Brian told me that if I was interested in making money with Internet Marketing, I should get Mike and Kelly’s program. He spoke VERY highly of the two guys behind Bring the Fresh and I think he even said that he met Kelly Felix at one point.

I’m a very skeptical person by nature and I’m not one to jump into a purchase of some online e-kit usually. Had Brian not suggested this, I never would have purchased it.

It was based on Brian’s adamant referral that I decided to spend the $ 97 and get Bring the Fresh. In hindsight, it was the best almost hundred bucks I have ever spent!

First off, both Kelly and Mike are just a couple of young, “normal” guys who have made literally millions online with their methods. With Bring the Fresh, they basically disclose every detail of what they do to make money. As a Bring the Fresh member, you are actually looking over their shoulders while they put new sites together to make even more money! The main “Fast Start Guide” is a step-by-step blueprint on exactly what to do to get websites up and running and making money. You don’t need to have any web design knowledge or background to use Bring the Fresh. You just need to be able to follow VERY simple instructions. It’s literally as easy as “do this, then do this, then do this…” There is a huge segment on market research – how to find the best and most productive markets to advertise in. They teach you everything there is to know about SEO (Search Engine Optimization) and also give a TON of information on converting (actually getting people to buy what you are selling once they find their way to your site(s).

In addition to all the instruction and examples, as a Bring the Fresh member you have access to not only a forum that Kelly and Mike set up for their members but you can also email them direct and they actually answer their own emails! It’s an AMAZING program and it really is everything you could possibly want to know about Internet Marketing, Affiliate Marketing, SEO and making money online.

I started right away and within 2 weeks, I had my first site listed on page-1 of Google! It’s been about 3 months now and I now have about 19 sites and they are ALL listed on page-1 of Google. I’m averaging about $ 2,000 – $ 3,000 in income per month from all my sites. I have a normal “day job” AND a very busy home life with the four kids so I only have time to work on this in the evenings. I spend about 1-2 hours every night working on my sites (I really enjoy it). I also spend quite a bit of time looking at the analytics (the records or reports of the visitors to my sites). I probably waste too much time looking at analytics but it’s fascinating to me. My plan is to continue down this path and hopefully do Internet Marketing as my only source of employment. I have a dream of being able to work from my laptop on the North Shore of Kauai one day. Can you imagine how awesome that would be? The thing is, that goal isn’t too far off! I just need to be able to spend more time on this stuff.

Anyway, if you have any interest at all in making money online, working from home, internet marketing, etc… or, if you just would like to know how to get a website ranked on page-1 of Google, you absolutely can’t go wrong with Bring the Fresh. It’s $ 97 bucks for a life time membership that includes all the videos, instruction, PDF’s, access to the forum and the personal attention from Kelly and Mike. If you decide to get the program (and I highly recommend it obviously) I’m confident in saying that as long as you do what they say to do, you will make money in your first month. How much money depends on a lot of things but it’s all up to you at that point. You will have all the tools you will need at your disposal.

I’ll close with one last point – This site, the one you are on right now… you found this and subsequently read this article because of the techniques I learned with

Now Pay Close Attention —

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