First off, you have to be ready for anything when having your own business. It will change your life for the better or worse. Your business will take up a lot of the free time you had before started and there are some costs when running your business.  The attributes that every entrepreneur has to have or develop are:

· Passion and drive

· Independence

· Self-confidence

· The ability to work hard

· Integrity and good business ethics

· As well as other attributes

If you have what it takes to be an entrepreneur then you are ready to narrow it down to what type of business you want to start. Ask yourself a couple of questions: Will you create your own product or service or promote some else’s? Will you start an online business or a business offline?  Let’s look at starting an online business; it’s much cheaper to start.

Finding the Right Opportunity

There are thousands of online business opportunities to choose from for the typical entrepreneur. It will take a lot of research, for example market research. Also find out what is the need for the product or service you want to sell or promote.  You have to make a decision on which business venture you will choose.

The first thing to think about is what interests you, what do you enjoy doing or have a passion for? If you start a business that you really like or enjoy, you are more than likely to be successful in it.  It’s not promised, but doable. Also, beware of online business scams as there are many out there lurking on the net.

Now let’s briefly look at what you will need if you decide to start your internet business:

· A domain name

· Hosting

· A website

· A hot product or service to sell

· And good quality content

Steps to Take

1. As I stated above it’s best to choose a field of business you know well or you are truly interested in. Do the research for that industry. Make sure there is a definite need for the product or service you have chosen for your online business. Look at top competitions for your product or service and learn from their business models.


2. After you choose a business industry, you can now start creating your business plan. Your business plan should include: 



· A summary of what your business is about and has to offer?

· Budget or financial plan: How much funding are you going to need to run your online business?

· Market research: Will this market survive? Is it viable?

· Marketing plan: How will you promote your internet business?

· Include anything that involves your business’s success. 


Being an entrepreneur and starting your own business can be a lot of work and time consuming as well as expensive. But if you do the proper research and planning you can avoid or reduce risks.

If you are finding it difficult to find the right entrepreneur opportunity, the best advice I can give is to follow your passion. There is nothing like doing what you love and enjoying it. The money usually comes in eventually. Now again, there are no guarantees that you will succeed, but it can be done. Again, think about what truly lights your fire and figure out how to make a lucrative business out of your passion. Find out if there is a need for your idea and if there is, proceed to the next step. You can also find a successful business model that works in the industry you want to be in and follow that model.

Bottom Line

There is a lot that goes into becoming an entrepreneur and starting an online business or offline. If you have the drive to succeed you will. Nothing is impossible. Just do your research, find a product or service you want to promote or sell and just do it.  Nothing is failure proof, but with determination and hard work, a successful business is doable.


Pamela Fowler is an article writer and online entrepreneur who specializes in helping others with their internet business goals and interests. You can check out her website on Starting an Online Business where she provides free information on how to get started creating a legitimate online business; including tips and tools on how to create a home business website.