Here are the 5 tips that will enable you to find a great business online.

1) The Sales System.

You will need to find a company with a sales system that can be used to leverage your time, just like McDonald’s. If an individual buys a McDonald’s franchise, certain systems are already in place where the entrepreneur just has to plug in and get started. Also find a business online that will give you 100% flexibility in such a way that you can work from anywhere, anyplace, anytime. An added bonus would be a company that has a professional call center to assist you in closing member product sales.

2) The Compensation Plan.

Look for a company that pays you up front where you can make money from selling directly. No need to wait around for commissions.

3) Training and Support.

Most companies tell you that they provide the training for their members. Then, they want you to pay an exorbitant amount for one on one training. Be careful about such companies. Locate a business online that provides entrepreneurial and mind set training via daily webinars, tele-seminar calls and live marketing events… you get the picture. Support for a great online business can be provided in the way of e-mails, forums, live chart, phone and mentors.

4) The Community.

Another qualification will be to have the top income earners in the business interact and support the community, and share their knowledge and expertise with everyone and anyone ready to listen.

5) Product.

Finally, look for a company that has a solid product in place that provides substantial value. Not another lotions and potions product!

I’ve teamed up with a group of entrepreneurs and we have had great success with our online business. To find out more about how the system meets this criteria, click here.