Are you sick and tired of working for someone else? Or is the economy affecting your job and your life? Do you want to start making money online?

If you said yes, then read on because I have some information here that will make it easy for you to start an on line business. This is just an outline.

I know it’s not easy to know where to start or who to listen to. I remember it vividly. First off, everyone thought I was crazy starting an online business. So I had to deal with all the naysayers, not to mention I was bouncing all over the place, from one business to the next. Not really sure what to stick with. I finally found an online mentor and everything started to make sense. But it took me well over a year to find someone to follow.

Well, I want to help you out and kind of steer you into the right direction.

Step number one. Do you have an idea about what you would like your new business to promote?

Once you have an idea or two, you need to do some on line research on them to see if they are worth pursuing. Meaning, are they going to make you money on line.

Check Google news, yahoo answers, and even to see what is popular these days and then dig down into those niches to find a sub niche. The less broad your topic, the better because there will be less competition. Check on your ideas for a niche. Put into Google. Check the results.

Now you’ll want to go grab a free keyword tool, like the one that Google provides.

It’s time to do some keyword research.

Enter your topic and then search. Look for words or phrases that get a good monthly search, but not flooded with competition. The more competition, the harder it will be for you to be seen. More searches, less competition is what you want. It’s not easy though, so don’t obsess over it.

When you’ve got some keywords and longtail keywords that you believe can bring you some traffic, then go to

With over 10,000 product owners and well over 100,000 affiliates, clickbank is a main stop for tons of affiliates. A bunch of new products are launched everyday and you can signup for free.

So what you want to do is sign up with clickbank, write down your ID that your given, and then go find a product.

Once you’ve gone to the marketplace, checked on some products and their graphs, it’s time to go and get your hoplink. At your chosen product, go to: create hoplink, enter your id and hit: create. Tadahhh. Go purchase a domain name for your long, ugly link. I suggest GoDaddy. You will be using this link on your landing page. You’re only goal is to get people to click on it, go to the sales page and purchase. Your id is embedded in that link. That means you will get credit for referring that sale and so you’ll get a commission.

The high percentage commission payout is another reason why affiliates keep coming back to clickbank.

Again, and I know I already mentioned this, but this outline is meant to point you in the right direction. Each stop along the way does require some specific work.

OK. You have your product to promote. Now you need to set up a little webpage or landing page. Try WordPress or start with a great little site called Squidoo! Google loves Squidoo and WordPress! Both have a massive amount of tutorials and such to get you going. On these pages you will have your hoplink that leads to the products salespage.

Having a landing page as opposed to direct linking straight to the sales page, is a big deal to Google. You will get better page rank, which in turn will start to make you money on line sooner.

Let’s begin to send traffic to your web page.

There’s a couple of ways that you can drive traffic to your site. You can either do this manually, which takes time. This is also known as organic traffic. Examples of this are: Blogs, Squidoo, Ezine advertising, Article marketing, getting involved in forums and having a signature file., etc.

The other method is paying for it. Don’t get into this until you have a lot of content of your own out there and you’ve got a steady cash flow coming in. Examples of this are: Pay per click through the search or content networks on Google, Msn, or Yahoo. Adbrite is also a solid place to go. Solo ads in Ezines is another way to pay for traffic, although quite different from ppc in that you pay once upfront and then your ad is sent out to a subsriber list.

Once you have been doing SEO for a while and you know what’s what and you’re bringing in a steady cashflow, then you can look into paying for traffic. Pay per click looks easy, but don’t fooled into thinking that’s where the quick money is. There’s alot of little nuances that take time to learn. It’s a good sized learning curve and you could lose your shirt quickly.

In conclusion I just want to say that I know all this may sound a bit intimidating to you! But if you stick around on line and learn, like with any new venture, you’ll get the hang of everything. In this business, things change rather quickly. We’re all constantly learning.

Have you ever stayed awake at night wondering what it would feel like to earn a monster online income? Stop wondering and Start learning right now!